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Big Idea Workshop

Come tell us your Big Idea for your pilot and get feedback from the team and your fellow students. We'll be chatting about the what makes a good Big Idea, how to communicate it to others and taking any questions you might have. Join us!

Copywriting Workshop

Join Lindsey and Oleg for an in-depth copywriting workshop where they'll be wordsmithing, polishing and doling out tips and tricks to make sure your words have impact.  Come on out and bring your copy too -- they'll be offering hot-seat spots and answering questions!

How to Make Your Teaching Stick

Join Darla and Lizzie as they break down the teaching process, so you can deliver your pilot in a logical and engaging way. We'll even put Lizzie in the hot seat and find out what she could have done differently with her pilot.

CBL Study Hall

Need to carve out some time to tackle an assignment in CBL? Join us for a live "Study Hall". Use this time to set a manageable goal, make some progress and have access to the team for question + some group accountability. We hope to see you there!

Message Clarity Workshop

Struggling with presenting a clear offer? Join Lesley and Christy to get personalized feedback and answers to any questions you might have around your messaging. 

Copywriting Workshop

Bring your sales copy for some on-the-spot spit and polish.

Wishpond Training

Join us (along with the Wishpond team) for a live demo of Wishpond + a chance to have all of your questions answered!

Wishpond Training

Join us (along with the Wishpond team) for a live demo of Wishpond + a chance to have all of your questions answered!

Tech Support!

Struggling with some element of your tech? Let us know. This will be a great time to join us live, ask questions and receive live walk-throughs of any platforms that you're having trouble with.

Copywriting Workshop

Still struggling to nail your copy? Join us for live revisions!